Your smile plays a crucial role in determining the type of impression you leave on people around you. This means missing a tooth, or two can adversely impact your overall personality and confidence. But thanks to advancements in dental treatments, NC dentures have effectively addressed this concern for. Dentures are excellent for bridging the gap […]

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Nothing beats the joy of flashing a confident, attractive smile. But many individuals feel self-conscious due to misaligned or crooked teeth. Thanks to the advancements in medical technology, the world’s moving on from the era of conventional metal braces.  Today, we have Invisalign—an innovative, convenient, and modern alternative. So, let’s hop on this dental breakthrough […]

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The goal of undergoing cosmetic dentistry is to add to the appearance of your teeth. To amplify your confidence when you smile and talk. Sadly, there are a lot of misconceptions related to cosmetic dentistry, and most of them stem from the term ‘cosmetic.’ The word ‘cosmetic‘ delivers the image of a cosmetic beauty product […]

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We know the trauma and stress around a missing tooth and how it can affect your facial aesthetics. However, it has a permanent solution, and you can regain your beautiful smile. Yes, we are talking about dental implants, which can restore your missing tooth’s natural look and function for the upcoming years. But will dental […]

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In simple words, dental implants are the replacement tooth roots. They serve as a solid foundation for permanent or removable inorganic teeth personalized to mimic a person’s natural teeth. Dental implants have improved the lives of millions of people. They have rightfully a marvel of modern dentistry. Dental implants emerged in the 1950s and became […]

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We know how painful your toothache days are, especially when you have tooth decay and your dentist offers a crown or a dental implant. And we know it gets difficult to choose Crowns vs. Implants, especially when both options are effective, long-term solutions. But at least you have advanced solutions that could save your decayed […]

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